Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Start Your Day

We usually have the same daily routines every morning. I'll tell you how I start my day.

I wake up to birds chirping outside my window and hear the babies cry next door. Then I get up, use the bathroom, wash my face, then go downstairs to smell a fresh cup of Lipton Yellow Label Tea waiting for me on the dining table. I drink it every morning and eat any kind of breakfast. If you want to know what I have it with, then Ill elaborate on that. On some days, I prepare scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions and stuff it in pandesal (dinner rolls). On other days, I have bacon and garlic rice or just bread and butter.

Lipton Yellow Label Tea has theanine that helps you relax, stay focus, and alert. The Hirameki gives you inspiration and the light bulb turns on on top of your head with the words of "I've got an idea!" sort of thing.


Have a great day and feel inspired!